Graphite & Charcoal
My Graphite Tools
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These are products I own and use.
- Kimberly Pencils 3H – 8B Kimberly pencils are commonly known as “student pencils,” but I have created some beautiful drawings with them. They are especially wonderful for creating rough textures (tree bark or coarse hair/fur.)
- Derwent Graphic Pencils 9H – 9B (A complete set) Wonderfully blend-able, creamy artist quality pencils made in England. They have an incredible range of gradients!
- Staedtler Mars Lumograph 9H – 9B ( A complete set of 20) These are wonderfully smooth, especially good for skin tones.
- Staedtler Mars Lumograph Black Drawing Pencils 2B – 8B Carbon mix pencils.
- Staedtler Mars Technico Lead Holders and Leads ( 2H, HB, 2B, 4B) used for precise details.
- Faber Castell 9000 – Wonderful dark, smooth graphite. I highly recommend for portraits and wildlife!
- Faber-Castell Graphite Aquarelle – Water soluble graphite. When activated by water you can create washes and lines which do not shine.
- Kimberly 9 XX B – For the blackest values with no graphite shine. (My favorite!)
- Charcoal Pencils, General’s & Derwent – Soft, medium and hard. Charcoal can create a velvety, true black when needed.
- General’s Carbon Sketch – Wonderful dark, non-shiny pencil.
- Conté Sketching Pencils – Carbon 3B
- General’s Layout Pencil 555 – A really nice dark pencil!
See My Video
These are products I own and use.
- Glassine This is what I use to place over my drawings to protect them while I draw, resting my hand on the glassine.
- Fabriano Artistico Extra White Hotpress Watercolor Blocks 140lb (300gsm)
- Legion Stonehenge Drawing Paper – 100% Cotton/Archival 90lb (250gsm)
- Canson Foundation Drawing Pads 70 lb (115 gsm)
- Strathmore 400 Drawing Pads This is an off-white drawing paper, 80 lb (130 gsm)
- Blick Studio Bristol Pads The tapebound pads contain 15 acid-free, 100 lb (270 gsm) sheets.
- Strathmore 400 Bristol Board . I prefer Bristol Vellum.
- Strathmore 500 Bristol Vellum Pads – 100% Cotton / Archival, Strathmore’s professional series.
See My Video
These are products I own and use.
- Kneadable Eraser – for lifting graphite off the paper gently.
- Tombow Erasers – Ultra-fine 2.3mm round and Mono Zero 2.5mm x 5mm rectangular. These are used for “negative drawing” and fine detailing.
- General’s Factis Magic Black Eraser – Specifically designed for erasing graphite and charcoal it is also recommended to use on colored surfaces such as Canson Mi-Teintes, Strathmore Artagain & Toned papers and Stonehenge toned papers.
- Pentel Hi-Polymer – A good all purpose, dust free eraser.
- Staedtler Mars Plastic Block Eraser – LOVE this one!
- Faber-Castell Perfection Eraser Pencil – Learned about this one from Lisa of Lachri Fine Art. I purchased the one with the brush end. It is AMAZING!
- Derwent Battery Eraser – Another excellent tool for negative drawing! Especially nice for white whiskers.
- Dry Cleaning Pad – Used for removing graphite and smudges from your paper. It works beautifully.
Finding a good eraser can be key to getting your drawings the way you want them. Play around with various erasers and get a feel for what you like.
Sirius Black

Using Erasers
Whether working on portraits, landscapes or wildlife, erasers are your friend. Erasers can be used for “negative” drawing, adding highlights and softening edges.
Blending Tools
These are products I own and use.
- Cotton Balls and Cotton Swabs (Q-tips) – Also good for blending and inexpensive.
- Natural Chamois – Something new for blending I was given by a friend to try out.
- Paint Brushes – Various sizes allow me to blend graphite without damaging the “tooth” of the paper.
- Tortillons / Paper blending stumps – For blending.
Blending Tools

These are products I own and use.
- Derwent Super Point Mini– An incredible sharpener and my favorite!
- KUM 2 stage Longpoint Sharpener (with lead pointers).
- KUM Magnesium Wedge Sharpener – Specifically used for my Faber Castell Polychromos colored pencils.
X-ACTO School Pro This is a really good electric sharpener that can be used on a variety of pencils including pastel pencils.
Derwent Super Point Mini

Other / Misc.
These are products I own and use.
- Gray Scale & Value Finder – Useful for finding the right values on both the reference photo and the drawing. Sometimes your eyes deceive you when it comes to grayscale values.
- Aluminum Pencil Extenders. Very handy when your pencils begin to get too short to hold.
- Royal Langnickel Soft Grip Stylus & Embossing Set – These are for using the indentation technique. I use them for white whiskers, hairs, feathers & other small details.
- Accurasee Proportional Divider – These are helpful for checking placement and sizes.
- An aluminum straight edge. I have two ( 18 inch and 24 inch ) which are used for measuring the drawing paper and creating a light grid.
- Drawing boards. I use the Richeson Drawing Clip Board, White Artist’s Sketch Board and Blick Sketch Pad Boards. This allows me the freedom to sketch and draw any where.
- Blick White Artist Tape – PH Neutral tape to tape the paper down to the drawing boards. It helps to keep the edges clean and the papers flat.
Johnny & June

Contrast is Key in Graphite
No matter what you are drawing you need to have contrast to make your images pop. Don’t be afraid to go dark, and reserve the white of the paper only for your brightest highlights.