Happy New Year! It’s 2020 already and I’m getting back on track.
Last year , life threw a curve ball and the last 6 months of the year very little was completed in my art. In July everything came to a stand still as we had a family medical emergency. Things changed day to day, moment to moment over a five month period. During that time I couldn’t even think of art as there was so much going on. At the end of November, my elderly mother-in-law finally came home after being in the hospital, physical rehab and hospital again. Two surgeries during that time along with many other medical hurdles.
It’s been a long road. Now as we enter 2020 I am trying to regroup and get back to my art along with being a full time caregiver for my mother-in-law, wife, mother, homeschooling mom.
My biggest struggles are currently my own medical issues. I have ongoing hip problems along with my fibro, chronic migraine, epilepsy and fatigue. Not looking for sympathy, just stating some days can be really tough. Art is what helps me to get through these tough times and I can tell I’ve been away too long as I have found myself feeling incredibly sad/down lately.
I currently have several unfinished pieces to complete and a special acrylic painting to begin.
Because of this I decided to jump on the “bullet journal” bandwagon! I thought bullet journals were simply a fad, however after learning more about them I decided they are worth trying!
The best part of using a bullet journal is that YOU decide what pages/trackers/calendars are needed. You aren’t stuck with a premade layout. While searching for an inexpensive bullet journal I came across a “happy planner” that was on sale at Hobby Lobby. I snagged it! Talk about perfect for me. The pages are easily removable so you can move them around and arrange things how you like after designing the pages. Don’t want you calendar in the front where you added it? No problem, take it out and move it! Need more pages? No problem, buy refills and add as many pages as you need. Yes, I am loving it.
Maybe I’ll do a video on my bullet journal once it’s all set up. We’ll see. Suffice it to say I am really happy with it and glad I took the plunge.
I was blessed last year to receive a beautiful glass top, adjustable drawing table with lamp from a wonderful patron! You can see my colored pencil piece of Savannah on it in the photo above.
Now that the life update is done, here’s a little update on my art side.
Last year I finally got my YouTube channel started! It was going fairly well, until July. Now, in the new year, I am going to do my best to get going again with regular video uploads. It’s still tricky to make videos due to tall the noise of tv’s etc, but hopefully I can work something out.
New Podcast
Along those lines I am also planning to start a podcast! I’m in the very early stages and trying to figure out if the podcast will be for everyone, Patrons only or a mixture of both. Hoping to be able to purchase better audio equipment in February or March.
Did You Know
Many artists who work in multiple mediums hear “Jack of all trades, master of none” from people which makes them question if they should only work in one medium. However, did you know, that’s only part of the famous saying? The full saying is:
“Jack of all trades, master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.”
It was originally meant as a compliment! So next time someone says it to you, finish the quote for them and smile!
Other News
Affiliate Disclosure
I am an affiliate for Blick Art, EMWD Hosting and Elegant Themes / Divi.
Some links on my website have my affiliate code. I will receive a small compensation when you buy from these links.
♥ There is no additional cost to you. ♥
I’m looking forward to my third year on YouTube!
I hope to begin creating more tutorials for the channel and maybe even a skillshare class?
I hope everyone reading this will have an incredible new year chasing your dreams!
Now it’s back to work for me!
Until next time, Keep Creating!